Innovative MAP-Verpackung, wobei 2 maßgefertigte Teile durch einen bedruckbaren Dichtungsring verbunden werden.

Mindful of our impact on the environment, ANL Packaging is actively engaged in the development of responsible industrial resources. In this #Worldwaterday, we would like to highlight the commitment of our sites to the preservation of this resource. This is because the polymer transformation process has the advantage of using only a limited amount of water. This water is mainly used to cool our tools and is retained in a closed loop that is reused continuously. In addition, ANL Packaging is participating in Operation Clean Sweep®, a programme designed to limit the loss of granules and flakes into the environment by means of containment measures and targeted, regular cleaning of high-risk areas. Find all our CSR commitments in our annual report available here. #WorldWaterDay #CSR #OceanCleanSweep #Environnement

Mindful of our impact on the environment, ANL Packaging is actively engaged in the development of responsible industrial resources. In this #Worldwaterday, we would like to highlight the commitment of our sites to the preservation of this resource. This is because the polymer transformation process has the advantage of using only a limited amount of water. This water is mainly used to cool our tools and is retained in a closed loop that is reused continuously. In addition, ANL Packaging is participating in Operation Clean Sweep®, a programme designed to limit the loss of granules and flakes into the environment by means of containment measures and targeted, regular cleaning of high-risk areas. Find all our CSR commitments in our annual report available here. #WorldWaterDay #CSR #OceanCleanSweep #Environnement

Silber Ecovadis
ANL Packaging erhält zum wiederholten Mal die Silbermedaille von Ecovadis! Mit unserer Silbermedaille gehört ANL Packaging zu den besten 25 % der von Ecovadis bewerteten Unternehmen. In einer Zeit, in der Nachhaltigkeit für unsere Zukunft unabdingbar geworden ist, spiegelt dieses Ergebnis unser Engagement wider und belohnt unser Bestreben, unsere ökologischen, sozialen und ethischen Praktiken immer tugendhafter zu gestalten. Wir sind unseren Kunden, Partnern und engagierten Teams dankbar, dass sie uns diese Anerkennung ermöglicht haben.